

Goosebump moments from Werth and Wendy in the Lindt-Prize

07.07.2024 14:16

Isabell Werth had already eternalised her name 14-times…

Isabell Werth had already eternalised her name 14-times on her “favourite board”, which is located at the entrance to the Main Stadium at the Soers. The fact that her 15th victory in the Grand Prix Freestyle, the Lindt-Prize, is really special, is among others because of her new four-legged dance partner, Wendy.

“Normally the dressage stadium calls up the jumping because we are too loud. But this time it was extremely loud in the dressage arena as well,” joked Birgit Rosenberg, Head of Sport at the CHIO Aachen with a sidewards glance at the top three riders from the Lindt-Prize, the Grand Prix Freestyle on Sunday morning at the CHIO Aachen. Isabell Werth with Wendy, Frederic Wandres with Bluetooth and Ingrid Klimke with Franziskus were among those who rocked the sold-out Deutsche Bank Stadium today. First and foremost, Werth and Wendy.

The judges awarded an incredible score of 89.095 percent for the black mare’s performance. At championships that would be the sort of score that would pick up an individual medal. Wendy didn’t put a hoof wrong in her new freestyle routine, for which the text of Barry Manilow’s “Oh Mandy” had been changed into “Oh Wendy”. The crowd applauded nearly all of the riders as they turned onto the final centre line. But in the case of Werth and Wendy the fans went totally crazy, yelled and whistled. No sign of the sacred silence that usually prevails in dressage arenas, instead pure enthusiasm. Wendy stayed totally cool. As Isabell Werth reported: “She didn’t have a wet hair on her body when she went in, nor when she came out.” Regardless of the thunderous applause of the crowd, she kept in rhythm in piaffe and passage and then walked calmly to the exit, while Werth waved to the spectators, thanking them for the standing ovation. Definitely a special moment, even for the dressage rider, who has won everything there is to win.

“That was unbelievable for me too. Today was our day. We grow closer together day by day. Wendy was really totally cool, although it was so loud. She simply said: “Tell me what to do”, and then she did it. I have been here so many times, but today was the best day ever. It is a pleasure to be here.”

Second place went to Frederic Wandres with Bluetooth on a score of 83.010 percent. Yesterday, Isabell Werth, shook him out of his mental low with a strict “Pull yourself together!”, today everything went easier, according to Wandres. He was satisfied with his freestyle: “We had no technical mistakes, the walk line was fine, but I felt bit of tension. The technical mark was good, there is some room for improvement with the B mark. I was slightly behind the music here and there.” As far as Bluetooth is concerned, he was very happy: “We have been here a week and now today on Sunday he felt just as fresh and smooth as on Monday.”

Ingrid Klimke and Franziskus came third on 81.385 percent. There is an extended trot right at the start of her freestyle choreography, the great strength of “Franz”. Unfortunately, he broke into canter. “I risked a little too much and pushed him too much. I played it safe after that,” is how Klimke analysed the situation. Nevertheless, she was delighted to have been there today. “It is the first time that I have ridden the freestyle on the Sunday morning. The atmosphere is incredible! You could even hear the crowd during the warm-up. When you ride under the bridge into the stadium, it is a very special moment, and when you ride onto the final line to salute: “Aachen is simply unique. The crowd is so knowledgeable. They know what they see and want they want.”

Birgit Rosenberg could only agree: “We are just the ones, who prepare the stage. The rest is up to the horses and riders. Thank you for the beautiful dressage we have seen all week!”

A “victory that means the world” to the Ecuadorian rider, Julio Mendoza in the IWEST-Prize

06.07.2024 23:49

His whole life long Julio Mendoza Loor had…

His whole life long Julio Mendoza Loor had dreamt of riding in Aachen. This dream not only came true for the dressage rider from Ecuador tonight, he actually won the IWEST-Prize.

With a narrow lead, the gold medallist of the Pan-American Games, Julio Mendoza Loor, rode to victory in the Grand Pris Freestyle, the IWEST-Prize with his KWPN gelding, Jewel’s Goldstrike. The pair were awarded a score of 78.920 percent for their choreography to among others, “La Isla Bonita”. Second place went to the Polish dressage rider, Sandra Sysojeva and her just eight-year-old Oldenburg-bred mare, Maxima Bella, on a score of 78.510 percent. The US-American team silver medallists from the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Steffen Peters and Suppenkasper, came third (76.430 percent).

“This victory means the world to me,” explained the overwhelmed winner. “I have always dreamt about competing here in Aachen. The fact that this dream has come true with this horse, means everything to me!” He and Jewel’s Goldstrike alias “Goldie” have been a pair for five years. The biggest achievement in their career to-date was claiming the title at the Pan-American Games in 2023. Up until now they have only competed in the USA (where Goldie otherwise lived out at grass 24/7, as Mendoza Loor explained), this is his first season in Europe.

Sandra Sysojeva with Maxima Bella was torn between joy and disappointment at coming second. The black mare first competed at international level in Hagen and the pair’s performance was characterised by lightness and harmony. Which would have been anything but matter of course a few years ago, as her trainer reported: “Sandra bought her as a two-year-old together with other young horses. The mare proved to be extremely difficult. But with an incredible amount of patience she has managed to win the mare over.” And now they had won a silver rosette on their debut appearance at the CHIO Aachen. Until Julio Mendoza Loor and Jewel’s Goldstrike entered the dressage arena as the last pair to go, it looked like they were going to win the class. So, having missed out on the victory so narrowly, was of course slightly disappointing. But this is without doubt not her last appearance in Aachen.

Wotax-Prize for Charlott-Maria Schürmann’s black pearl

06.07.2024 22:55

Charlott-Maria Schürmann claimed the victory in the Intermédiaire…

Charlott-Maria Schürmann claimed the victory in the Intermédiaire I, the Wotax-Prize, with a round that was almost as beautiful as her mare, Dante’s Pearl.

Charlott-Maria Schürmann and her nine-year-old Oldenburg-bred black mare, Dante’s Pearl, won the Intermédiaire I, the Wotax-Prize with a high-quality and harmonious performance. The five judges unanimously saw the pair in first place. Her score: 75,383. Frederic Wandres came second with Quizmaster on a score of 73,647 percent, followed by Juliane Brunkhorst with Diamante Negro (72.50). Hence, a German triple.

This marks a very special victory for Charlott-Maria Schürmann. In 2016 and 2017, she was placed here in the CDI4* Tour with her former top horse, Burlington. And now she has returned victorious: “It is, of course, a huge honour for every rider to compete here in Aachen. I already achieved some good results with Dante’s Pearl this year. But the fact that I was invited to ride in Aachen, honestly bowled me over. And of course I wasn’t expecting her to perform so well here. I am overjoyed that she let herself be celebrated so magnificently by the huge crowd in this stadium and simply gave everything. She really enjoyed it, me too. It is a dream here!” A dream with a dream horse, as Schürmann confirmed: “Pearlie has been with me for two years and I think she enchants everyone, who sees her, because she is simply so beautiful. This horse is simply unique, I think, and is simply something special for us all.”

Baumgürtel’s second victory in the Prize of Liselott and Klaus Rheinberger Foundation

06.07.2024 19:45

It was like déjà-vu in the Freestyle of…

It was like déjà-vu in the Freestyle of the Prize of Liselott and Klaus Rheinberger Foundation for Young Dressage Riders. Not only was Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel able to defend her top ranking, the top three were all able to confirm their form from yesterday’s class.

Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel headed the field with Emma in the Prize of Liselott and Klaus Rheinberger Foundation after notching up a score of 77.375 percent. As before, the Australian rider, Kate Kyros finished second with Intro K. Their score today: 76.475 percent. In third place once again the Danish rider, Sophia Ludvigsen with Touch of Olympic L (75.470). Baumgürtel, who celebrated her 19th birthday the first day she won here in Aachen, already had a super feeling on the warm-up arena. “Emma is in super form! That is the second time that we have performed the new freestyle at the show and it went super. I am very, very happy.”

The family of Kate Kyros were overjoyed at her coming second. This is her first season in Europe and the “freestyle expert“ Katrina Wüst at C awarded her an incredible 82.20 percent for the artistic execution, which was even more than the winner received. And the judge at B, Cesar Torrente, placed the pair in first place for both the artistic and technical performance. So, Down Under may perhaps be On Top soon.

Victory and personal best for Werth and Wendy in the MEGGLE-Prize

06.07.2024 17:40

After winning the Grand Prix, Isabell Werth also…

After winning the Grand Prix, Isabell Werth also notched up the victory in the Grand Prix Spéciale, the MEGGLE-Prize at the CHIO Aachen 2024 – and also prove that she does a good job as a mental coach.

Isabell Werth and Wendy de Fontaine clearly dominated the Grand Prix Spéciale, the MEGGLE-Prize after being awarded a score of 78.085 percent. That is a new personal best score for the ten-year-old, Danish-bred Sezuan daughter, who contested her fourth Spéciale with Werth. Only half a point separated the riders in second and third place. The head-to-head race in the ring went in favour of the Dutch rider, Dinja van Liere with her newcomer, Vita de Lusso, who with a score of 76.872 percent pipped Frederic Wandres with Bluetooth at the post (76.851). In points: the results were 1806.50 compared to 1806.0. It couldn’t have been closer.

Isabell Werth said about her ride today: “I must really say Wendy was fantastic today. We are growing together more and more. You can see it, you can feel it. It is a pleasure riding this horse. She always wants to give her best. It felt very harmonious today and I have the impression we are gradually becoming one unit.”

Dinja van Lieren’s Vita de Lusso is even younger than Wendy, just nine years old. Dinja van Liere has been riding him for three years. It is his first Grand Prix season and she was actually thinking about withdrawing from the Spéciale after coming fourth with him in the Grand Prix, the Prize of Family Tesch, because she didn’t think it could get much better. But: “My horse knocked me out today. He makes such quick progress. He was much better today than on Thursday. He gave me goosebumps today.” She reported that he too excels through his will to work and his go and that she is able to assert both to her advantage: “He relaxes more and more in the arena so that I actually get to ride rather than holding him back all the time. I am simply incredibly proud that I was able to fight my way up to the top between these strong German riders.”

Frederic Wandres was also highly satisfied with his and Bluetooth’s performance. For him this show was above all a challenge mentally. And the pressure was extremely high today. “It is not just about convincing the judges here, but also the dressage committee, that is selecting the team for the Olympic Games,” he explained. The CHIO Aachen is namely the final trial before the nominations for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Wandres added: “At some shows one is in the flow and one rides on the wave from the beginning to the end. But at this show I made mistakes with Duke (of Britain, his second Grand Prix horse) and then I took them with me when I rode Bluetooth. That threw me off course a little. Normally, my strength is being able to deliver immaculate tests constantly. And I lost my self-confidence a bit.” Three words from Isabell Werth got him back on course: “Pull yourself together!”

Lady Gaga, Tom Cruise and the Statue of Liberty – fantastic quadrilles in the Prize of Handwerk!

05.07.2024 22:06

The USA, this year’s CHIO Aachen partner country…

The USA, this year’s CHIO Aachen partner country in 2024, certainly provided the participants of this year’s quadrille championships with artistic inspiration. But football was also a major theme!

Lovingly designed costumes, sophisticated choreographies and music that ranged from pop to country, through to football anthems – there was plenty on offer for those spectators, who had opted to watch the quadrille championship, the Prize of Handwerk, this evening instead of the EURO 24 football quarter final. The performances of the six teams were as equally top-class as the panel of judges: The championship judge, Katrina Wüst, Henning Lehrmann and Susanne Baarup were impressed by the creativity of the participants.

The panel of judges was already full of praise for the first quadrille by the District Association of Mettmann under the aegis of team leader, Elke Buddenberg. Vera Haug with Tenterhofs Hofmeister, Christina Konings with Milady N, Emely Schermuck with Glenn Flanell and Lisa Malin Schöning with Berney put in a fantastic performance. Katrina Wüst particularly accentuated the good rideability of the horses and the horse-friendly, diversified choreography, all of which was rewarded with a top score, 90 percent in total.

Mettmann held on to the lead until the end. But the last team to enter the Deutsche Bank Stadium were last year’s winners, District Association of Bergisch Land under their team leader, Norma Frerck, dressed as the Statue of Liberty. They danced to the song “Hit the Road Jack”, a rendition which would have delighted Ray Charles himself. She had every reason to hold her flame high, because her four riders put in an immaculate performance. Stefanie Haase with Chestnut K, Nicola Heynen with Livius, Heike Holtkamp with Sambuko and Ramona Müller with Dr. Mo, were total synchronous, the horses trusting and almost completely obedient. “Anyone, who manages to get a statue of liberty rocking, has achieved a great deal,” summed up an impressed Katrina Wüst, praising the lines of the choreography and above all the submissiveness of the horses, and awarded the incredible score of 93 percent and thus the second victory in success for the District Association of Bergisch Land in the Prize of Handwerk.

The District Association of Neuss, presented by Anja Mede, was pleased to come third with a score of 85 percent. The team from Neuss comprised of Janina Lichtenberg with Fahrenheit’s petite fleur, Anke Roeb with First Silvano, Sabrina Stocks with Sir Bernstein and Letizia Vogler with Fille d’amour.

Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale in a class of their own in the Prize of Soers

05.07.2024 21:08

One must say, the World Champions from Great…

One must say, the World Champions from Great Britain, Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale, outclassed their fellow competitors in the Prize of Soers, the Grand Prix Spéciale of the CDI4* Tour, today.

After her triumph in the Grand Prix, Charlotte Fry and Glamourdale also succeeded in breaking the 80 percent mark in the Grand Prix Spéciale, the Prize of Soers. After scoring 80.107 percent, the two-time World Champion of Herning in 2022 left Isabell Werth with Quantaz (75.0) and Frederic Wandres with Duke of Britain (73.128) trailing behind her in second and third place respectively.

The performance of Fry and Glamourdale was full of wow effects – even if she did make some expensive mistakes in the pirouette to the right. First of all, Glamourdale did a flying change, then he lost his balance in the pirouette. But then Fry had everything under control again. The murmurs of the spectators until then and the compassionate groans when it happened, said it all: It was a performance that didn’t leave anyone cold. “To be honest, that was one of the best feelings that he has ever given me in a test,” beamed Charlotte “Lottie” Fry. She had a plausible explanation for the error: “I was so pleased with my pirouette to the left that I somehow forgot to ride the rest of the centre line. So, it was my own fault. But in the remaining parts of the test he was so focused on me, had so much go and so much fun in there. That was the best feeling I could have wished for before Paris.” Paris – here Fry was referring to the Olympic Games. Fry and Glamourdale have already been nominated for the British team.

Glamourdale has got the rest of the week off. Tomorrow, Charlotte Fry is competing in the Grand Prix Spéciale, the MEGGLE-Prize, with her second horse, Especial.

Birthday present for Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel in the Prize of Liselott and Klaus Rheinberger Foundation

05.07.2024 19:37

Could one imagine a nicer birthday than celebrating…

Could one imagine a nicer birthday than celebrating a victory at one’s debut in Aachen and that in your first year competing at advanced level? That dream came true for Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel today in the Prize of Liselott and Klaus Rheinberger Foundation.

In the Prize of Liselott and Klaus Rheinberger Foundation for Young Riders, first of all the riders perform the FEI individual test for the age group U21 and tomorrow a freestyle. Lana-Pinou Baumgürtel is not only making her debut appearance in Aachen, it is also her first season in the Young Riders age group. Whereby she has already won European Championship medals in all colours with her mare Emma. The pair have been together for a long time. “We bought Emma when she was young. She was a brood mare and I schooled her together with my trainer.” Obviously very successfully. The judges awarded the pair 70.823 percent, the best result of the day. And that on her 19th birthday. “I am delighted to be here and am so pleased to be able to compete here. And of course, it is absolutely amazing that we won,” said Lana-Pinou.

The only other pair that scored over 70 percent, were Kate Kyros and Intro K. Kyros is not very well-known in Germany. Which is hardly surprising because the 18-year-old comes from Australia and this is her first season in Europe. So, it was her first appearance in the Deutsche Bank Stadium as well. She was awarded 70.176 percent for her performance with her Apache son, Intro K.
Third place went to a well-known talented young rider from Denmark: the current U21 team European Champion, Sophia Ludvigsen (21), with Blue Hors Touch of Olympic L, on a score of 69.765 percent. It is Sophia’s last year as a Young Rider, but parallel to that she is also rides at Grand Prix level. It is also her premiere in Aachen. Her horse, Blue Hors Touch of Olympic L, is however familiar with the Deutsche Bank Stadium from previous performances with his trainer and former rider, Nanna Skodborg Merrald. The stallion was placed in the Small Tour last year, and before that won silver at the World Championship of the Young Horses with her.

Isabell Werth and Wendy triumph in the Prize of Family Tesch

04.07.2024 19:51

The decision to opt for Isabell Werth’s newcomer,…

The decision to opt for Isabell Werth’s newcomer, Wendy de Fontaine, for the German Lambertz Nations’ Cup team instead of Quantaz was taken just before the start of the CHIO Aachen. The Grand Prix, the Prize of Family Tesch also decides the Lambertz Nations’ Cup. In retrospect one can certainly say Quantaz prove her mettle.

Isabell Werth has been riding the ten-year-old Danish mare, Wendy de Fontaine, since the start of the year. They came together very quickly. So fast that they are considered to be potential candidates for the Olympic Games and the selection committee used the Prize of Family Tesch as a final opportunity of direct comparison between her and other five-star pairs before they select their team for Paris. That is why Wendy was nominated for the team instead of Quantaz. They were the best German pair in the class and already put in a performance in the first quarter of the test that hardly any other pair was able to beat. On a score of 76.50 percent they claimed their first Grand Prix victory in Aachen and thus also won the Prize of Family Tesch.

Werth’s conclusion: “I am very, very happy with Wendy. We are coming together more and more and with each competition I am learning more and more details and how to deal with this situation and that. The mare really is fantastic. She is so honest and polite. She really tries her best and it is such an enjoyment and a gift.” She also stated that she thinks there is still room for improvement.

With an immaculate performance, the World Championships bronze medallist of 2022, Ingrid Klimke finished in second place with Franziskus FRH, in the Prize of Family Tesch. 76.043 was their final score and the Head Judge, Susanne Baarup (DEN) at C, even awarded her first place. “I am very happy, because Franz was so reliable and he gave his very best,” Ingrid Klimke said. “When I rode in, I knew he was totally focused and was totally with me. We both enjoyed it.”

After mistakes in the two-tempis and in the second pirouette – the last of which were doubly expensive – Frederic Wandres and his 14-year-old Bordeaux son, Bluetooth came third (75.630). Wandres was nevertheless satisfied: “I must say my horse feels in better shape than ever. I think he showed that before we entered the ring when he had a ‘positive explosion’ and kicked out. But Wandres also knows: “It is good that he is so fresh. The trot and the extended and collected walk were very good. Then, we made mistakes in the canter tour which cost me a lot of points today. Normally, immaculate tests are our strength. So, we will try to make no errors on Saturday. But I learnt from the protocol that the judges saw what good form he was in today and I will try and show that on Saturday.”

Because on Saturday, the Grand Prix Spéciale, the MEGGLE-Prize is on the agenda. The best 30 pairs from the Prize of Family Tesch qualify to take part.

42nd victory for Germany’s dressage riders in the Lambertz Nations’ Cup

04.07.2024 19:33

The Deutsche Bank Stadium is their dance floor…

The Deutsche Bank Stadium is their dance floor – the Lambertz Nations’ Cup has been staged at the CHIO Aachen since 1977. In 2024, Germany’s dressage riders notched up their 42nd victory in the prestigious battle between the nations.

On the few occasions when the German national anthem wasn’t played during the prize-giving ceremony of the Lambertz Nations’ Cup, it was either that of the Dutch or the Danish team. And it was also these two nations, who came closest to the German quartet today.

The German flag was represented by Isabell Werth with Wendy de Fontaine (76.50), Ingrid Klimke with Franziskus (76.043), Frederic Wandres with Bluetooth (75.630) and Katharina Hemmer with Denoix (68.326), It was Hemmer’s debut appearance in Aachen and hers was the scratch result after Denoix was distracted by the noises of other horses outside the ring and wasn’t at all focused on the test. The three scores that counted totalled 228,173 points altogether.

The National Coach, Monica Theodorescu, summed up today’s performances as follows: “I am of course very happy with the first, second and third place,” referring to Werth, Klimke and Wandres, who also topped the rankings of the individual classification in that order. However, she said she was sorry for Katharina Hemmer. “She was simply unlucky because her horse was so stressed in the arena. But that can happen. Her horse is in super form, but she wasn’t able to show that here in the ring today. She could only try and manage the situation and she did as best she could. But of course the other horses were very close behind each other and there is hopefully still room for improvement in the future and for the Olympic Games. But, of course, I am very happy with the result.”

Ultimately, they had a comfortable lead over the Dutch team, which finished on a total score of 215.674. The “Oranje” team comprised of Devenda Dijkstra with Hero (69.848), Dinja van Liere with Vita di Lusso (74.696) and Marieke van der Putten with Torveslettens Titanium (71.130). Dinja van Liere was the best Dutch rider with her just nine-year-old, Vita de Lusso, and after achieving a new personal, best result she was equally delighted – although she had to hold her breath towards the end of the test, when the spectators started clapping before she had even saluted. “It is an honour to ride here in Aachen. I actually think it is the best show in the world. The atmosphere is fantastic. Even if the crowd was perhaps a little too enthusiastic today…”

Second and third place was even closer. The Danish team World Champions earned a collected score of 214.544, with just 1.13 points less than the “Oranje” team – although they didn’t even have a fourth team member. Nanna Skodborg Merrald and St. Schufro were awarded the best score of 73.674. The other two team members were Nadja Aaboe Sloth with Favour Gersdorf (72.348) and Anna Zibrandtsen with Quel Filou (68.522). Nanna Skodborg Merrald summed her team’s performance saying “The team did very well. It is a pretty green team, but we all performed very well and we can really be proud of coming third in Aachen.”

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